Applications for cryptocurrencies: using bitcoin mixers
Along with many other altcoins, bitcoins are pseudo-anonymous cryptocurrencies. Contrary to some users’ expectations, you can easily track down recipients and senders of tokens transmitted online, and connected their names with specific cryptocurrency wallets.
So, you can find confidential data quickly and easily if you have purchased Bitcoin using payment platforms and bank cards at least once. However, de-anonymization techniques do not end here. For this reason, some users who actively use crypt use special applications often, such as bitcoin mixers.
The essence of mixers applications
A Bitcoin mixer is called a switch too, and such a platform is designed for mixing and crushing cryptocurrency. The main task of this helpful tool is to create anonymity and secrecy of operations. This is the type of application that is quite popular on the internet among crypt holders. After stirring the tokens, you probably won’t be able to track this operation.
So, mixer https://yomix.io is pretty popular, and many users have learned its usefulness and reliability already. In some parts of the world, the fight against mixers occurs at the state level. Anonymity is used for fraudulent purposes in some cases. Although most users use applications to create blockchain privacy so that their savings remain private, hackers and intruders cannot trace them.
Features of these applications
Such mixers for bitcoins operate on the universal principle of splitting tokens into small pieces. This tool will then mix different bitcoins with similar parts of crypto coins from other users. This type of application works with a vast number of users simultaneously. It performs several useful functions, among which are:
- using tokens;
- it divides the funds received into parts;
- it sends bitcoins in a pool;
- mixing of bitcoin using a particular algorithm;
- it performs sending coins to various crypto wallets.
Users get a coin amount identical to the one they contributed earlier, net of the platform’s commission. Commission fees vary from user to user depending on the number of tokens sent. The number of mixes, network congestion, and platform policy also affect the commission.

There are two types of mixers:
- peer-to-peer ones that operate without interference from the employees or developers of these platforms and other intermediaries;
- centralized ones who cooperate with a governing body that acts as an intermediary.
Initially, centralized applications appeared on the internet. Later, peer-to-peer platforms began to implement regular work. They have gained popularity because they are improved tools that are more reliable than the first ones we described in this article.
The fact is that mixers guarantee the user’s anonymity on the internet. Registration in applications like this is not mandatory. Therefore, you do not need to enter your personal information on this platform.
Bitcoin mixers function completely anonymously during an operation that does not involve user names. In addition, you will not need any special skills to use such a platform and its features. In addition, you will not experience the need to exert maximum effort to gain the skill of using applications like that.
When choosing a platform, you should look for feedback. We advise you to prefer high-reputation tools that have become popular among users due to their reliability.