Programs to Improve the Productivity of IT Employees
All IT workers, especially programmers, are well aware of how difficult it is to maintain high productivity in this field. Developers tend to lose focus and therefore productivity, resulting in missed deadlines. To solve this problem, developers create various interesting and free programs, some of which are described below.
Personal Productivity Software
Below you can see a brief overview of five programs that can help you improve your productivity. And although they are all free, they provide quite significant assistance in the process of making money. But these are PC programs. If you need something similar for mobile devices, you can find and download app for IT workers from the online catalog of apk installation files for Android.
This simple but effective program clearly shows users how much time they spend on a particular project. All they have to do is list the tasks they are working on and mark in the application the moments when they move from one task to another.
Clockify remembers how much time you spend on each task, and then compiles full statistics and shows you your productivity levels for the week, month or year. The software has another interesting feature. It allows users to give themselves points for quickly completing a particular job. This means that users will see their previous results and strive to improve them by working more and more efficiently.
The program combines a task tracker and an RPG game very well. Habitica allows users to level up their progress, just like in a normal RPG game, except that they have to complete tasks in the real world and not in the virtual one. And the program does more than just indicate your level. In the process, users must collect equipment, coins, and even pets. All this increases people’s motivation and makes them do everything faster and better.
One of the features of Habitica is that the program was created with the ability to organize teamwork. It has a clan system and even team quests. The organizer can divide the team into several groups, making them compete with each other. This means that the poor performance of one employee will harm the entire group and cause it to lose. Such a competitive moment has a very favorable effect on the productivity of the team as a whole.
Music for Programming
A large-scale experiment conducted at Tennessee State University states that listening to instrumental music while working helps people focus. But it is not so easy to find the right music when you have a busy work schedule.
An online service called Music for Programming solves this problem. The application has a very simple interface, stylized as a code editor. All the user needs to do is just put on headphones and turn on any playlist.
Silver Searcher
Studying the program code is quite difficult. It often takes a long time to read individual lines or parts of code to look for errors, which leads to a significant decrease in productivity.
Silver Searcher can help solve this problem. The application is also significantly faster than its popular counterparts like Ag or Ack. Silver Searcher is available for all common operating systems.
Mantis BT
Mantis BT is a cross-platform online service that allows users to find errors in the program code. It detects problems and immediately sends each team member an email notification about them. Besides, users can pre-set the types of errors they want to be notified about.
The service also tracks all changes made. That is why users can always easily determine which changes have been made to roll them back, make additional edits, and so on.